The Man Has a Temper

Written by Mary Ann Wentnik Once upon a time in California, a young Marine sergeant left the military to pursue a career in politics.  Combining his military service with a conservative narrative, he seemed a perfect fit for the Republican Party.  Indeed, that won him an election and sent him to the State Assembly less…

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Breaking News: Democrat Party Establishment Is Undermining Dave Myers Sheriff Campaign and their Grassroots By Not Publishing and Mailing a Voter Guide

With the primary election just a month away and mail-in ballots dropping, the San Diego Democrats have seemingly left their candidates high and dry this primary. Voters will be deciding on who they want to see on the ballot in November, and in arguably the largest race in the County, the San Diego Democrat Party…

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For Immediate Release  April 14, 2022  Amy Reichert, co-founder of ReOpen San Diego and candidate for San Diego County Board of Supervisors District 4, has received the official endorsement of the San Miguel Fire and Rescue, Local 1434.  San Diegans know Amy as the fearless community leader who fought back against harmful vaccine mandates that…

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Coronado Mayor Richard Bailey Calls on SANDAG Board to Remove Hasan Ikhrata

Local politicians are speaking up after it was revealed that SANDAG had been using taxpayer money on lavish dinners at some of San Diego’s most expensive restaurants. Jennifer Bowman of inewsource first published the information in her article, “Taxpayer footed the bill for SANDAG staff to enjoy filet mignon, other upscale dining,” SANDG CEO Hasan…

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Transparency Foundation Investigation Reveals How Some Politicians Profited from Covid-19 Lockdowns

This was originally posted on The Transparency Foundation website San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher supported Covid-19 lockdowns — all the while trading and personally profiting from stock trades in companies that benefited from lockdowns. Fletcher’s behavior raises serious conflict of interest questions that need to be answered. During the early days of the Covid-19…

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