Coronado Mayor Richard Bailey Calls on SANDAG Board to Remove Hasan Ikhrata

Local politicians are speaking up after it was revealed that SANDAG had been using taxpayer money on lavish dinners at some of San Diego’s most expensive restaurants. Jennifer Bowman of inewsource first published the information in her article, “Taxpayer footed the bill for SANDAG staff to enjoy filet mignon, other upscale dining,” SANDG CEO Hasan Ikhrata has a salary of $580,000 per year and the audit found him guilty of using taxpayer money on lavish dinners.

Coronado Mayor Richard Bailey has been one of the most vocal politicians against SANDAG’s policies and is calling on the board to remove Ikhrata as CEO. Bailey said he isn’t surprised by the actions of SANDAG, saying to KUSI, “This is part of a pattern of unprofessional conduct by the agency that has demonstrated a complete disregard for taxpayers”. The internal audit was conducted from July 2017 to June 2021. Bailey called the purchases, “inexcusable”. Among some of the purchases was a $315 dinner that Ikhrata had with Supervisor Nathan Fletcher and his wife Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez at Donovan’s Steakhouse. Ikhrata had spent $17,000 in dinners and food with taxpayer money over the last two years as San Diegans were hurting financially during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Bailey says that the pattern of unprofessional behavior should warrant a resignation from Ikhrata. However, the board could replace him. Bailey says that with the upcoming election where San Diegans will be voting on the regional sales tax that is part of the SANDAG transportation plan, the outcome and other city elections will have ramifications for SANDAG. Bailey also said that he would support the removal of Ikhrata if that vote came up.  

Once again SANDAG has abused its power and its money. If voters against SANDAG’s plans and taxes show up in November, it could be the end for Ikhrata and the massive abuse of power in the organization. 

Photo Cred: Fox 5 San Diego