Carl DeMaio Calls Out Proposed Taxes and Pushes New Ballot Initiatives

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

Yesterday, in an interview with KUSI,  Reform California Chairman Carl DeMaio announced two initiatives he hopes to make onto the 2022 ballot. The first measure overturns the gas tax, car tax, and prohibits any new gas, car, or mileage tax if the people haven’t voted on it yet. The second ends loopholes that politicians use to undermine these initiatives, requiring that all new tax hikes are voted on by the people or two-thirds of the state legislature that California law demands. This measure also says that an initiative must have an honest title.

DeMaio points to a similar effort back in 2018 called the Gas Tax Repeal Initiative that had a 70% approval rating across the state. That is until California lawmakers re-named it to deceive the voters, defeating the measure during the midterms by 2 points. Therefore, DeMaio believes that all initiatives and bills must have a name that tells people if there will be a tax increase because ballot titles matter.

But in the deep-blue state of California, how do we pass this into law? Thankfully Carl has built a coalition of business owners and other concerned citizens collecting signatures to get this measure on the ballot. But what Reform California needs are volunteers to visit and sign up. Once that happens, they will mail participants a petition to collect signatures on and turn in by March 15 at Carl’s signature rally.

They are calling this program 22 for 2022, in which participants need only collect 22 signatures. So if all volunteers get at least 22 people to support the measure, they will have their 1 million signatures required to get this on the ballot. Not only that, but if this initiative makes it onto the midterm ballot, it would automatically cancel the SANDAG Sales Tax proposed by Todd Gloria and  Mr. Lorena Gonzales (aka Nathan Fletcher). This is because politicians can’t put measures on the ballot that don’t comply with ones that the people approve of.

So if you, like the rest of us, are sick and tired of Democrats constantly taxing us without our say, then go to and sign up to get as many people as you can to support us in our effort to restore a voice to the people.

Photo Cred: Lenny Ignelzi/AP Photo