Supervisor Fletcher Fear Mongers when questioned about San Diego Reopening

Written by Justin Culetu  Although California has just begun its reopening process, it continues to fall behind the rest of the country in returning to normal post-pandemic life. On Wednesday, San Diego County health officials and Supervisor Nathan Fletcher held a press briefing to address the local Covid-19 response. Unfortunately, Fletcher gave no logical response…

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Supervisor Fletcher Dodges Questions Regarding Blue Shield Partnership for Vaccine Distribution

Written by Justin Culetu With the California economy struggling to return back to normal due to poor leadership and a flawed color tier plan, San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher is refusing to provide answers regarding the County’s partnership with Blue Shield for vaccine distribution. Blue Shield was set to partner with California counties to…

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City of Santee calls for Sup. Fletcher to Resign as Board Chair

Written by Amanda Angulo The Santee City Council sent a letter to the Board of Supervisors condemning Nathan Fletcher for his hateful language regarding those who support the Recall Gavin Newsom movement. Fletcher used words like “Extremists,” “Conspiracy Theorists,” “Neo-Nazis,” “Right Wing Militia Groups,” and “White Supremacists,” to describe those participating in the effort. This…

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SD law enforcement officers not currently eligible for COVID-19 vaccine, Sup. Fletcher falsely blames ‘federal and state’ guidance

Written by Michael Palomba When asked why law enforcement officers in San Diego aren’t currently eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, Board of Supervisors Chair Nathan Fletcher falsely claimed that state and federal guidelines are to blame. “We’ve got established guidance from the federal government and the state government, that we have to follow. And that…

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Oceanside Councilman responds to Sup. Fletchers attempt to divide

Ref: Oceanside Councilman responds to Sup. Fletchers attempt to divide Honorable Nathan Fletcher, Your inflammatory rhetoric and false accusations regarding over 1 million Californians seeking to recall Governor Gavin Newsom is completely unacceptable. Your hateful and divisive words come at a time when elected leaders must work to heal our communities and reconcile differences. I…

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Reform California Chairman Carl DeMaio calls for Supervisor Fletcher’s resignation

Written by Michael Palomba Reform California Chairman Carl DeMaio is calling on County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher to resign after Fletcher made some “false and dangerous smears.” Nathan Fletcher needs to RESIGN from office for making these false and dangerous smears. Of course absolutely NO ONE in the media will hold him accountable for this nonsense….

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Supervisors Fletcher, Vargas declare racism a “public health crisis” in new proposal

Written by Michael Palomba County Supervisors Nathan Fletcher and Nora Vargas will be presenting a proposal to the board next Tuesday that identifies racism as a “public health crisis.” “By declaring racism a public health crisis, we are acknowledging the reality that racism underpins the health inequities that we see throughout our society,” Fletcher said….

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Board of Supervisors Votes 4-1 to Coordinate Next Steps of Reopening; Fletcher Only Dissenting Vote

Written by Michael Palomba  On Tuesday, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 to send a letter to Gov. Gavin Newsom requesting additional allowance and guidance for continued reopening. Supervisor Nathan Fletcher was the only dissenting vote, per usual. The decision comes after the county slowed down its reopening prospects due to an…

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