Fletcher Claims to Support Mental Health Despite Support of Lockdowns

Written by T. Logan Dayne

One of the most preventable deaths is often the most overlooked. Victims of suicide are often used by Democratic politicians in an effort to bring support to their policies, no where is this quite true as in the case of gun statistics where anti-rights lobbyist inflate their statistics with such victims to push unconstitutional legislation.

This trend is again being used in the case of lockdowns and mental illness. Democrats supported lockdowns that gave rise to an increase in cases of depression, a highly correlated precursor to suicide and other mental illnesses. Suicide and drug use, and a slew of other mental health issues have had a dramatic uptick with little sign of coming down. These symptoms were widely predicted by many after it became apparent that “15 days to slow the spread” was a lie. Despite this, politicians who were pro-lockdown are now starting to see the negative impact the lockdowns are having. 

Supervisor Nathan Fletcher is one such politician. Being staunchly pro-lockdown, Fletcher has come out pledging “to make greater access to behavioral health services a priority,” while also failing to acknowledge his hand in creating the problem. Fletcher put out a tweet Friday morning saying, “we have a ways to go, but are headed in the right direction.” However, some view pursuing pro-lockdown strategies while also being pro-mental health to be opposite directions. Fletcher plans to gain influence and trust by messaging his plan to increase the budget and staff for mental health wellness, an effort to combat a problem he helped create.

Photo Cred: Adriana Heldiz/ Voice of San Diego