Reform California Chairman Carl DeMaio calls for Supervisor Fletcher’s resignation

Written by Michael Palomba

Reform California Chairman Carl DeMaio is calling on County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher to resign after Fletcher made some “false and dangerous smears.”

The smears were aimed at Californians who have signed the Recall Gavin Newsom petition, which has garnered over 1,000,000 signatures.

Fletcher referred to these citizens as “Trump-inspired conspiracy theorists…now seeking to undermine our democracy in California.” He went on to say that those leading the recall effort “are linked in associate with Neo-Nazi, with white supremacists, with right-wing militia groups, and we cannot stand for this here either.”

Fletcher isn’t the only one bashing the effort, newly elected Mayor Todd Gloria said the recall campaign is “an attempt to overturn a democratic election.”

What Mayor Gloria and Supervisor Fletcher conveniently leave out is that there is a legal process for recalling a governor and the organizers of the effort have been subject to and followed all of the rules laid out by the state.

The petition to recall Newsom was approved by the Secretary of State’s office on June 10th, 2020. And on November 17th, the deadline for signatures was extended to March 17, 2021, by the Sacramento County Superior Court.

The signatures are not limited to any specific political party, and everyone who has signed has participated in a legal process. So why Supervisor Fletcher and Mayor Gloria would use such harsh rhetoric during these divisive times remains a mystery. They certainly did not use the same rhetoric when Gov. Newsom was caught lying about his outing at the French Laundry.

Photo via Reform California