San Diego County Beginning to Reopen Beaches

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek On Friday, San Diego County Public Health Officials announced that they will lift restrictions on the beach beginning Monday morning. The ocean will now be open for activities like swimming, kayaking, and surfing; and the beach for walking and jogging. Despite this, the parking lots, boardwalks, and piers will remain closed….

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County Supervisors Unanimously Approve $25 Million for Behavioral Health Fund

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek Last week, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved spending $25 million to upgrade behavioral health organizations. The spending was proposed last year, but the coronavirus pandemic and consequent health crisis that has resulted have motivated the recent development. Supervisors Greg Cox and Nathan Fletcher sponsored the plan. They…

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County Supervisors Kristin Gaspar and Jim Desmond Lead the Way in Helping Local Businesses Survive the Coronavirus Crisis

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek The coronavirus has severely affected small businesses and low-income communities, leading the San Diego County Board of Supervisors to approve a moratorium on evictions. They want to prevent low-income households from losing their housing along with preventing restaurants and bars—businesses hit especially hard by the Coronavirus—from going under. The moratorium proposed…

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San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore Allowing Gun Stores to Remain Open

Some heated debate between County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher and San Diego County Gun Owners after Fletcher suggested that San Diego gun stores ought to be closed down as “nonessential” businesses. His words drew harsh criticism from gun owners and gun stores alike Gun shops have been established as essential businesses by the Department of Homeland…

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Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Defends AB 5’s Exacerbation of the Economic Crisis

Written by Michael Palomba It is unfortunate when some officials in our government are so absorbed in their own agenda that they can’t conduct themselves apolitically—even during a crisis. San Diego’s political power couple, County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher and Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, used a COVID-19 press conference to make a political statement regarding Gonzalez’s Assembly…

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