Democrats Condemn Wealth and Greed Except when it comes to Their Preferred Bureaucrats

Written by Michael Palomba

You may have heard that MTS CEO Paul Jablonski is set to receive a massive increase to his $520,000 salary through a $36,000 bonus. However, what you do not hear is Democratic outrage. 

To add insult to injury, San Diego’s public transit system has been struggling with declining ridership for the past few years. So, the CEO of a system that only benefits a shrinking fraction of the population is making more money than the majority. All compliments of our tax dollars.

You would think that a public official making far more than the average San Diegan would have Democrats up in arms. After all, their top presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, has a whole campaign support base enthusiastically shouting “eat the rich.”

So where are local Democrats like Nathan Fletcher, Lorena Gonzalez, and so many others who claim to fight for “The People™?”

Nowhere to be found, of course.

In fact, in late 2019, Nathan Fletcher was unanimously elected as the new Chairman of the MTS board. So maybe it’s no surprise he advocated for Jablonski’s outrageous bonus. Fletcher’s wife, Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, has also been uncharacteristically silent on the matter.

This just showcases the utter hypocrisy of the left. They are against the rich, but only when it benefits them politically. When President Trump stays at his own resort, they cry corruption. But when one of their own gets a boost to their already $520,000 salary, it’s just business as usual. Remember who and what you are voting for in the coming primary election.


Photo by Trending Topics 2019 via Flickr