After Successfully Pushing for Beaches to Reopen, County Supervisor Jim Desmond Now Focusing on Businesses

San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond recently invited San Diegans to help him create a plan to get citizens back to work in a safe and effective manner. After receiving hundreds of responses from local business owners more than willing to step up, he’s unveiled new ideas to get the county back on its feet.

“While the safety of our community is essential, our economy is also essential. Putting food on the table is essential, and getting our businesses back open is essential,” said Desmond, emphasizing just how important it is to look towards reopening in the future. 

He’s calling for certain San Diego businesses to start reopening as early as May 1, so long as they follow the neccesary protocols. Hair salons, gyms, and restaraunts are among the businesses that would potentially be allowed to open on this date.

Additionally, Desmond is looking to get San Diego’s recreational facilities open as soon as possible. He recently made a proposition to the Board of Supervisors regarding the reopening of beaches and parks, which was initially shot down by Supervisors Nathan Fletcher, Greg Cox, and Dianne Jacob.

However, the efforts of Supervisor Desmond along with Supervisor Kristin Gaspar have ultimately prevailed, as beaches are now beginning to reopen. While their opponents wanted to keep San Diegans locked down indefinitely, Desmond and Gaspar fought tirelessly for basic recreational freedoms to be restored.

In a county update last week, Desmond spotlighted the ideas of small business owners hoping to get back on their feet and prepared to take the precautions necessary to keep the public safe. As Supervisor Desmond puts it: “Together, we can get back to work.”