Supervisor Kristin Gaspar Leads Unanimous Vote to Place a Temporary Moratorium on Evictions

Protecting our home and those that reside in it is San Diego’s top priority in the battle with the coronavirus. It’s great to see that the County Board of Supervisors have the same mindset, and are working together with the citizens they serve to protect.

The Board unanimously approved a resolution lasting until May 31 that places a moratorium on all evictions of residential and commercial renters in unincorporated areas, which have been hit by the brunt of the economic disasters caused by the pandemic.

Supervisor Kristin Gaspar co-authored the board letter and all three proposals with Supervisor Nathan Fletcher in an admirable display of bipartisan cooperation. It builds off of an executive order issued by Governor Gavin Newsom last week, and aligns with other cities that are trying to lift the burden of COVID-19 off of stressed families.

This measure ensures that both tenants and landlords recieve some sort of reassurance. Tenants will still be liable to pay rent later down the road, but for now, they’re given a couple months of breathing room in order to deal with the economic difficulties. For families and small businesses that desperately need it, this is a huge relief.

It’s safe to say that the leadership of Supervisor Gaspar continues to be vital during this time, as San Diego County remains a model for the rest of the state and nation to look to. Though this fight may be a difficult one, it’s certainly something we’re fighting together.


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