Dan Smith Diaz: The Unparalleled Choice for Chula Vista City Attorney

As Chula Vista prepares for a significant City Attorney Special Election on November 7, 2023; one candidate stands out as the best fit to serve the community and its citizens – Dan Smith Diaz. With an impressive career spanning 33 years as an attorney; including 11 years of practicing defense and civil law in Chula Vista, Smith brings a wealth of legal expertise and a deep, personal understanding of Chula Vista’s specific needs. Smith is currently the only Republican running for Chula Vista City Attorney.

Smith’s journey in the legal profession began at California Western School of Law in San Diego, where he earned his Juris Doctor degree in 1990. During his time in law school, his exceptional trial practice skills were recognized with the prestigious American Jurisprudence Award. A third-generation lawyer and son of a respected judge, Dan Smith’s passion for justice and the law is deeply rooted.

Before establishing his law office in Chula Vista, Smith displayed his entrepreneurial spirit as a real estate broker for 18 years while pursuing his education. After leaving the Federal Defenders of San Diego, he ventured into uncharted territory and founded the first pedicab business in the Gaslamp District of Downtown San Diego in 1995. With determination and dedication, his venture flourished, growing into the largest and most successful pedicab and outdoor advertising company in the U.S. He expanded the business to San Francisco, Denver, and Houston before eventually selling it and relocating to Chula Vista in 2004 to continue his legal practice.

Smith’s diverse background, which seamlessly blends law and business, sets him apart as a candidate capable of addressing the multifaceted needs of Chula Vista. His experience on the Gaslamp BID Board and his successful acquisition of SBA loans demonstrate his ability to navigate the business landscape and foster growth within the community.

As a long-time resident of Chula Vista for 20 years, Dan Smith has demonstrated a strong commitment to the city and its people. Together with his wife Layla, he has raised their three children in Chula Vista, all of whom attended Chula Vista public schools. The Smiths are deeply involved in various community initiatives, from scouting leadership to supporting local sports and fundraising for public schools and churches.

If elected as Chula Vista City Attorney, Dan Smith’s passion for justice, extensive legal experience, and dedication to the community will make him a valuable leader for the community. With his comprehensive understanding of Chula Vista’s unique challenges and opportunities, he is the ideal candidate to serve as City Attorney, ensuring the city’s progress and prosperity.

As voters head to the polls for the Special Election in November, Dan Smith emerges as the clear choice, a candidate who embodies the values, vision, and unwavering commitment needed to safeguard the interests of Chula Vista and its residents.

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