Congressman Mike Levin: A Catalyst for Skyrocketing Gas Prices in California

In an era of financial uncertainty, voters must scrutinize the actions of those in power, who continue to burden everyday citizens with escalating living costs. A prime example of such detrimental leadership is seen in Southern California, where Congressman Mike Levin, a Democrat, has played an instrumental role in fueling an unprecedented surge in gas prices.

Today, California drivers grapple with gas prices soaring above $5.00 per gallon, an exorbitant cost that significantly impacts their livelihoods. Regrettably, Congressman Levin’s actions—or rather, inactions—contribute to this dire situation.

Earlier this year, Levin voted against the Lower Energy Costs Act. This critical legislation aimed to provide immediate relief at the pump for countless Californians feeling the strain of rising gas prices. His vote showcases a disconcerting disregard for the financial wellbeing of his constituents.

Adding to this, Levin refused to urge Governor Newsom to suspend the gas tax hike that came into effect on July 1st. This tax exacerbates the burden on drivers already grappling with escalating fuel costs, pushing prices even higher.

These decisions raise serious questions about Levin’s commitment to Southern Californians, who are feeling the brunt of these misguided policies.

Ben Petersen, Western Press Secretary for the NRCC, unequivocally condemned Levin’s actions. “Extreme Democrat Mike Levin is waging war on workers and families in Southern California with skyrocketing gas prices,” Petersen said. He warned that voters would remember Levin’s refusal to provide relief at the gas pump come the 2024 elections.

Indeed, Levin’s actions appear to align more closely with extreme partisan interests than with the practical needs of his constituents. This lack of fiscal consideration undermines the financial stability of countless Southern Californian families who are struggling to keep up with the soaring cost of living.

As we approach the 2024 elections, voters must remember the leaders who prioritized political agendas over their economic hardships. They must scrutinize those, like Mike Levin, whose actions have directly contributed to their financial strain. The time for accountable and sensible leadership is now. Voters deserve representatives who will fight for their interests, not against them.

California gas prices skyrocket above $5.00 per gallon

California gas prices skyrocketed above $5.00 per gallon today.

Southern California drivers can thank extreme Democrat Mike Levin for making their pain at the pump worse.

First, Mike Levin voted against lower gas prices with the Lower Energy Costs Act this year. Then, Levin refused to call on Newsom to suspend the gas tax hike that went into effect July 1.

“Extreme Democrat Mike Levin is waging war on workers and families in Southern California with skyrocketing gas prices. Southern California voters will remember Mike Levin blocking relief and send him packing in 2024.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen

Ben Petersen
Western Press Secretary

Image Credit: Canva