Embracing Supervisor Jim Desmond’s Leadership: A Blueprint for Republicans in the Wake of SANDAG Executive Departure

The recent departure of Hasan Ikhrata from the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) has paved the way for potential organizational changes and much-needed improvements. Supervisor Jim Desmond’s perspective on this development is a respectable demonstration of leadership, and his approach should serve as a model for his Republican colleagues.

Supervisor Desmond sees Ikhrata’s departure as an opportunity for SANDAG to refocus and find a leader dedicated to collaboration, able to work effectively with all cities and unincorporated communities within San Diego County. He emphasizes that a successful leader should embody the qualities of a consensus builder, working harmoniously with diverse perspectives for the betterment of the region.

Moreover, Desmond underscores that SANDAG’s top priority should be its taxpayers. The organization must ensure the efficient and responsible use of San Diegans’ hard-earned dollars. Desmond’s stance is clear and firm: SANDAG’s new executive must commit to designing a comprehensive regional transportation plan addressing the needs of the entire region, including the upkeep and development of freeways and roads.
He also insists the new executive must honor the projects promised to voters in the 2004 ballot measure, demonstrating a commitment to fulfilling public trust and confidence.

In selecting the new SANDAG executive, Desmond urges the organization to seek wide-ranging input from stakeholders, community leaders, and experts, promoting diversity and inclusion in the decision-making process.

Desmond’s proactive approach toward SANDAG’s transition period is a shining example of effective leadership. His Republican peers should take note and follow his lead. By emphasizing community consensus, fiscal responsibility, and transparency, they can better serve their constituents and contribute positively to the broader community.

As we navigate this transition, it is essential for Republican leaders to champion the values and strategies embodied by Supervisor Desmond. By doing so, they can ensure that the needs and perspectives of their constituents are at the forefront of decision-making processes, leading to outcomes that genuinely benefit the communities they serve. Desmond’s leadership shines the way to a brighter future for SANDAG and San Diego County as a whole, setting a standard his Republican peers would do well to follow.

Supervisor Desmond’s Statement on SANDAG’s Executive Director Departure

I am encouraged to hear about Hasan Ikhrata’s departure from SANDAG.

This development opens the door to change and progress within the organization. SANDAG’s primary focus must be on finding a new leader who embodies the qualities of a consensus builder who can collaborate effectively with all cities and unincorporated area communities in San Diego County.

SANDAG should prioritize taxpayers’ needs and use San Diegans’ hard-earned money efficiently and responsibly. I am committed to supporting a new SANDAG executive who will diligently work toward designing a comprehensive regional transportation plan that addresses the needs of the entire region, including freeways and roads.

The new candidate must promise to fulfill the projects promised to voters in the 2004 ballot measure.

In selecting this crucial position, we encourage SANDAG to seek input from stakeholders, community leaders, and experts with diverse opinions for the good of the entire region. By involving a wide range of perspectives, we can find a leader who will steer SANDAG towards a brighter future, fostering transportation solutions that benefit all residents and contribute to the overall growth and success of San Diego County.

I am hopeful for a new day at SANDAG.

Image Credit: Canva