San Diego Democrats Under Fire for Inaction on Homelessness Crisis

San Diego is facing a growing homeless crisis, with camps popping up throughout the city. Councilman Stephen Whitburn has proposed a crackdown on homeless camps, which would ban unauthorized camping when shelter is available and prohibit camping within two blocks of schools and shelters, in parks, and along waterways and some trolley tracks.

While Mayor Todd Gloria and Whitburn argue that the camps threaten public health, safety, and economic activity, homeless advocates claim that there aren’t enough shelter beds and services to meet the need. Advocates have also warned that the proposed ordinance will make life more difficult for unhoused residents. Some advocates have urged the City Council committee to reject the plan, calling it a waste of taxpayer resources that will likely be challenged in court.

Meanwhile, the city and its Housing Commission have been exploring the possibility of safe spaces for unhoused individuals. One overlooked parking lot in Balboa Park has been considered, but no specific plan has been shared publicly yet.

The failure to address the growing homeless crisis has made life harder for the homeless and has done little to curb the community’s hardships that come with a large homeless population. San Diego politicians, under Democratic leadership, have failed their constituents by not adequately addressing the issue and instead, proposing Band-Aid solutions before next year’s big election.

While the committee weighs in on Whitburn’s plan and Gloria’s push to explore housing or shelter developments, it is crucial to remember that every day spent searching for viable solutions is another day without an actual solution.

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