Terra Lawson-Remer Caught Lying Again About Role on Homelessness Task Force

SAN DIEGO, CA — Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer has been exposed once again for misleading the public—this time about her involvement with the Regional Taskforce on Homelessness (RTFH). Despite public denials and previous claims that she was not a member of the Continuum of Care (CoC) Board, it has been confirmed that Lawson-Remer is, in fact, the vice chair of the board. Her absence from these meetings throughout her tenure has drawn sharp criticism, particularly as homelessness continues to rise across the county.

Adding to the controversy, Lawson-Remer’s name and position as vice chair appear in official records, revealing that she has not attended a single CoC Board meeting until recently. The timing of her sudden appearance—just weeks before the November election—has sparked accusations that the move is purely political. Critics argue that her absence reflects a troubling lack of seriousness in addressing the region’s homelessness crisis.

“She’s been lying to voters about her involvement on the board for years,” said one observer familiar with the board’s work. “For someone entrusted to tackle such a critical issue, it’s appalling that she not only failed to show up but also misled people about her responsibilities.”

A mailer recently distributed to voters further highlights Lawson-Remer’s misleading statements. The mailer claims that Lawson-Remer has not been on the CoC Board—a statement now proven false. Voters are left questioning why the Supervisor failed to engage with the task force despite holding a key leadership position.

The Continuum of Care board plays a crucial role in shaping the region’s homelessness response, bringing together elected officials and service providers to coordinate funding and programs. As the county’s only representative on the board, Lawson-Remer had an opportunity to drive meaningful solutions but instead remained absent.

Lawson-Remer’s opponents have been quick to call out the discrepancy. “This isn’t just a broken promise—this is outright deception,” said a local resident. “Her failure to show up while homelessness worsened is embarrassing, and now she’s scrambling to cover it up because it’s election season.”

With homelessness becoming an increasingly urgent issue, the latest revelations have raised questions about Lawson-Remer’s leadership and priorities. Her absence from critical meetings has left many wondering whether she is fit to serve in a role that demands consistent action and accountability.