San Diego Community College District to terminate 6 faculty over Covid-19 vaccine mandate at Board of Trustees meeting on March 2, 2023

Dr. Tracey Kiser.png

 Dr. Tracey Kiser pictured above is a first-generation high school graduate and the only person in her family to graduate from college. As a young Black woman, she knew education was her way out of her neighborhood which was characterized by drugs, gangs, and hopelessness. Dr. Tracey Kiser has earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics, a Single-Subject Teaching Credential in Mathematics, a Master of Arts degree in Curriculum and

Instruction, a Master of Arts degree in Mathematics Education, and a Doctor of Education Ed.D. Dr. Kiser is an Associate Mathematics Professor and the Director of the Math Center at San Diego City College. Dr. Kiser is well-loved and respected by students and fellow faculty because of her heart and her advocacy to support low-income and minority students who are struggling academically.

On March 2, 2023, the San Diego Community College District Board of Trustees plans to terminate Dr. Tracey Kiser over non-compliance with the Covid 19 vaccine. Dr. Kiser who is currently pregnant is ready to go public and tell her story in order to save her life’s work and the livelihoods of her fellow faculty. On January 19, 2023, the San Diego Community College District terminated 3 faculty for non-compliance to receive the Covid 19 vaccine. On March 2, 2023, the SDCCD Board of Trustees plans to fire 6 more on March 2, 2023. Please contact, Amy Reichert of ReOpen San Diego to schedule an interview with Dr. Kiser. 619-972-5585

  • On or around August 16, 2022, Dr. Tracey Kiser was placed on Administrative leave in retaliation for requesting reasonable accommodation on the basis of a legal religious exemption for the Covid 19 vaccine.
  • Dr. Tracey Kiser is currently pregnant with a high-risk pregnancy. Dr. Kiser has to endure a Skelly hearing on Tuesday, February 14, 2023, putting further stress on her and her baby.
  • This hearing is merely a formality as the Board will most likely terminate her and 5 other faculty members on March 2, 2023, at the SDCCD Board of Trustees meeting. 
  • The Covid 19 State of Emergency ends in California on February 28, 2023. The CDC updated its August 11, 2022 Guidance and stated unvaccinated are to be treated the same as vaccinated. Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the Director of the CDC has stated that the Covid 19 vaccine does not stop infection or transmission.