Issa: Weaponization of Government is Worse Than Ever and Congress Must Act

“We made the right case today to the American people”


WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48) issued the following statement following the first hearing of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government:

“The weaponization of the federal government against the American people is the signature abuse of power of our time. While it is not new, it has grown worse. That was more than proven by the committee today.

“Today, we heard from two former FBI agents who loved their job but grew disillusioned by what they said was partisan, political, and unethical behavior at the bureau. Sen. Grassley of Iowa and Sen. Johnson of Wisconsin confirmed that the FBI at the highest levels has lied to the courts, the Congress, and the country.

“FBI corruption doesn’t just threaten some Americans. Or silence a few others. Every American loses when the world’s most powerful and prestigious law enforcement organization loses its reverence for the Constitution, concern for the rights of each American, and turns against the people it is sworn to protect and serve.

“This committee matters because the American people are worth fighting for. My colleagues on the other side of the aisle now have a choice: They can join us in working to reveal the truth and understand the true scope and depth of how this all went so wrong. Or they can choose to delay and obstruct this Committee’s work.”