SDUSD to Drop Masking Requirement After Spring Break

Written by William Hale

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was praised by conservatives last week following a gesture directed toward high school students at a press conference. “You do not have to wear those masks, I mean please take them off. Honestly, it’s not doing anything, and we’ve got to stop with this COVID theater,” said DeSantis.

After two years of wearing masks in stores, schools, workplaces, and transportation systems, it finally seems that the COVID theater in San Diego is coming to a close once and for all. The most recent development of institutional unmasking has come from the San Diego Unified School District and their decision to drop indoor mask mandates after spring break.

Indeed, zero-risk children will finally be able to learn amongst their fellow classmates and teachers without a piece of ineffective cloth over their faces. Frankly, this decision by the SDUSD was long overdue. 

However, the district still recommends masking despite not requiring it, and take-home COVID tests will be distributed to students before returning post-break. “This strategy worked extremely well before Winter Break, and we are grateful to have enough tests to be able to repeat the process,” the district said.

The decision came only one day after the CDC recognized San Diego County as “low risk” for transmitting the coronavirus.

In forthcoming years, as we reflect upon and learn from our COVID pandemic, Democrats will have to justify their platform of mandating masks for kids as young as five years old. I suspect that doing so will only become more difficult as time goes on. 

Photo Cred: Fox 5 San Diego