Lemon Grove Council Considers Condemnation of a Colleague

This article was originally published in SD Rostra

Written by Greg Larkin

We’ve seen some disruptive elected officials over the years, or those accused of being disruptive. In more recent years, then Councilmember Ben Kalasho in El Cajon and former San Diego City Attorney Mike Aguirre come immediately to mind.

Yet we’re not sure we’ve seen anything quite like this little flap in Lemon Grove, over Councilwoman Liana LeBaron. See link below.

Councilmember George Gastil sent an email encouraging those who live in Lemon Grove and care about how the city functions to attend a special City Council meeting on Tuesday.

“Ms. LeBaron often says that she was elected to serve the people,” said Gastil. “All five of us were elected by the people, and I have to say four of us are serious about serving the people. The people did not elect Ms. LeBaron so that she could disrupt meetings, harass staff, and swear at her fellow Council members. That is not serving anyone, and that is what needs to stop.”

SD Rostra has reached out to LeBaron for a comment.

On Facebook, LeBaron commented as follows

“The City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and Assistant City Manager are trying to silence me for doing the public’s work … City Council is holding a meeting to punish me for the work I do on your behalf … I encourage everyone to attend the meeting.”

Consideration of Resolution condemning certain misconduct of Councilmember Liana LeBaron