Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Shuts Down Californians Concerned about Mandated Vaccines

Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez repeatedly interrupted and insulted constituents expressing their concern for SB 276 in a hearing by the Assembly Appropriations Committee regarding the bill. During the hearing, she was openly scornful of constituents, forcing them to stand behind a rope instead of having a seat. Gonzalez repeatedly cut off those who had traveled long distances to be in attendance, saying that she didn’t want to hear about their medical conditions, and was disrespectful of human dignity to the point that she threatened to have the sergeant escort people out of the room.

The bill, also called the California Forcible Injections Act, seeks to make vaccines universally required in the state, with only one option for requesting legal medical exemption, by 2021. Public opposition to the bill is strong, but Gonzalez, who ardently supports SB 276, is backed financially by exorbitant campaign contributions from pharmaceutical companies but also politically by fellow California Democrats.

As Chair of the Appropriations Committee, Gonzalez’s shameful actions were first condemned by actor Rob Schneider on Twitter, and then by other Californians. Many pointed out the utter hypocrisy of her actions in shutting down opposition to mandatory vaccinations when her own nephew has a medical exemption. Others, like Republican Party of San Diego County Chairman Tony Krvaric, drew parallels to totalitarian methods of government.

Gonzalez hasn’t exactly had the best history of tweets either. She has bragged that her husband, County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, is “smoking hot,” and castigated citizens asking legitimate questions on Twitter as “trolls.” To many, her unprofessional attitude has long been an issue. Now, Gonzalez’s contempt for the very people she claims to be speaking for is an affront to freedom of speech and shows astonishing contempt for her constituents.


Photo by Fronteras Desk via Flickr