Redistricting Draws Conservative Rural Areas into Liberal Urban Areas

With the census complete, states begin to redraw their maps taking into account population changes and cultural and political affinities that characterize certain districts. But here in California, the radical leftists are using every tool in their arsenal to redraw the map in their favor while claiming moral superiority in the face of gerrymandering. Even the liberal 538 says if Democrats fully gerrymander California, they would only gain one more Congressional seat.

Not all are pleased about this, as the Chairman of Reform California, Carl DeMaio, shared on KUSI. He stated how the proposed map re-draws Republicans out of their districts, such as the two state assembly seats, two state senate seats, and one congressional seat we hold. He explained that the redistricting committee lumps Republican areas with heavily blue neighborhoods, diluting votes.

For example, the new map has Santee and Lakeside, two rural areas of San Diego County, being lumped in with Hillcrest, an urban and heavy Democrat stronghold. Valley Center now shares a district with deep blue Coastal La Jolla and coastal Coronado. And if you’re in Alpine, you now have the “pleasure” of voting with people from Needles, Coachella, Indio, and Imperial Valley. DeMaio said, “It is shameful because it really does a disservice  to these communities by silencing their voices in the legislature both in Sacramento and in Washington.”

But wait, ‘how can the redistricting committee do this when Republicans have an equal say in the matter,’ you might be thinking? Well, as it turns out, of the five Democrats, four independents, and four Republicans, two of those Republicans have ties to BLM and Planned Parenthood.

On November 4th the Commission will vote on both the final preliminary map, the findings, and submit it to the City Clerk. There is one thing we can do to stop the one-party rule. You can go to and follow the instructions to fight back against the tyrannical Democrats and their plot to write us out of power. Because at the end of the day, the people choose the politicians, not the other way around.

Photo Cred: CalMatters