Minneapolis Police Abolition Question Officially Rejected by Voters

Written by Sasha Reva

Question two from the ballot is officially rejected in a major win for law enforcement and a major loss for progressive and far-left groups. Minneapolis voters rejected a proposed amendment that would remove all of the city’s police department and replace it with a public safety agency. About 57% of the voters voted no , however, 43% voted yes. 

The idea of the removing police was created after the murder of George Floyd in May 2020. His death sparked protests around the country and a debate about police force and police funding, with some radicals pushing for the abolition of police forces. 

If the proposed charter amendment received 51% yes votes,  than thousands of people would lose their jobs and the crime rates would rise. Police forces keep our communities secure and in control because without it, anarchy happens as evident of the riots that happened in the Summer of 2020. 

“Tonight is a victory for sanity and common sense in Minneapolis,” said Bill Rodriguez, co-founder of opposition group Operation Safety Now. “Of course there’s work to do on how we approach public safety, but the notion that we can do it without police, or with a skeleton crew of officers, is fantasy.”  The Minnesota Police & Peace Officers Association also made a statement saying, ” This should be a wake-up call to politicians who want to simply abolish and defund police departments.” However, far-left activists and anti-police groups seem to be doubling down on their proposal. Yes4Minneapolis organizer Brian Fullman said that his movement should, “Build off this momentum” but it certainly seems like the momentum is in the direction of keeping the police, even in liberal cities like Minneapolis.  

Photo Cred: USA Today