Sacramento is Now the Most Unaffordable Housing Market in the Country

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

Despite its flaws and political leanings, California is one of the loveliest states in America. Our multiple cultural capitals, moderate weather year-round, and the ability to surf and ski in the same day make the Golden state the gold standard of living in the U.S. Therefore, over the years, people have fled middle America for the high life along the west coast. Still, now Americans are running from their “idyllic” lifestyle.

Though many factors contributed to this migration, the housing crisis is first on the list as Sacramento is now the most unaffordable housing market in the country. A study from Knock, a real-estate technology firm, compared household incomes with median new construction home mortgages and found that 80% of households in Sacramento are priced out of new homes.

Sacramento residents’ median household income is $76,706, but the median new construction home price is $650,000. This means that residents require a $128,000 income to afford houses within the Sacramento area. That, combined with the 21% jump in home values and tax increases on rental properties, has seen Californians fleeing the state to more property-friendly states like Texas, Tennessee, and Florida.

But how did we get to this point? The answer is, of course, the Democrats. The Democrats’ system of one-party rule has led to tax increases on the property and therefore driven low-income voters out of the state. Former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer tweeted back in May, ” The numbers don’t lie. People are leaving our state because it’s not affordable to live here. One party rule has made it almost impossible to raise a family. ” So now California is a home for the elite Left. It’s interesting how the Democrats claim to care for the commoner, yet their policies have moved him further and further to the right, becoming the wealthy establishment they profess to fight.

Photo Cred: IStock