Head of BLM Has Yet to Answer About Ties to Eco-Terrorism

Written by William Hale

This past September, Tracy Stone-Manning was confirmed as the director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Democrats were able to swiftly vote in Stone-Manning amid high-tensions in Congress due to the impending Infrastructure Bill. 

The new BLM director’s controversial past was highlighted by Republican John Barrasso, as the Senator from Wyoming questioned Stone-Manning’s past in a letter obtained by FOX News. Barasso referred to the BLM director’s history as one of “Domestic terrorism” — a term commonly thrown around by Democrats and leftists — but the Wyoming Senator’s accusation against Stone-Manning is completely understandable, as new insights suggest Stone-Manning participated in a 1989 tree-spiking plot in an Idaho forest.

Explanation regarding this criminal act of eco-terrorism has been absent from Stone-Manning, but there hasn’t been a lack of opportunity to set the record straight. Barrasso further detailed the scenario in his letter, “Almost four months has passed, and the Committee has still not received your responses to the follow-up questions for the record asked by its members…”. Senator Barrasso published a piece in USA Today detailing his issues with Stone-Manning back in July. Stone-Manning was confirmed by the Senate 50-45 that was voted on party lines. 

Stone-Manning will have until November 11 to answer these pressing questions surrounding her criminal eco-terrorism, radical environmentalism, and other vague controversies insinuated by Barrasso. Nonetheless, Stone-Manning was voted in by Democrats despite strong opposition from conservatives and even some former Obama officials who served in the Bureau of Land Management. Adam Brandon, president of the advocacy group FreedomWorks, mentioned that Biden’s nominee has “collaborated with eco-terrorist groups with ties to Ted Kaczynski.”

Democrats unhesitatingly approving radical figures to serve in influential government positions should sound alarm bells for conservatives. Hopefully Republicans and the GOP voter base use this latest example of America’s progressive takeover as motivation for 2022.

Photo Cred: Graeme Sloan/Sipa, via Associated Press