Democrats Call Upon Their Friends in the Media to Support Build Back Better Agenda

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

Everyone knows that the mainstream media (minus Fox News) does the evil bidding of Left-wing politicians rather than giving the facts. And simultaneously, the mainstream media and Democratic lawmakers have denied this fact, claiming objectivity while smearing anyone who disagrees with them as an alt-right Nazi (really hiding the ball there, guys). This is how the media turned the American people against Trump, but our common sense is still intact as voters drift towards the Republicans in the Virginia gubernatorial race.

Because of this, Democrats have openly asked the media to promote their radical agenda. For example, during a press conference with the House Democratic Policy and Communications Committee, news reporters questioned the messaging behind the Build Back Better Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. As a result, Ted Lieu (D-CA) made a shocking revelation rather than admit his shortcomings (of which there are too many).

“We’re also in a really different information ecosystem than we were in even a decade ago…And we do, in part, rely on all of you to convey the truth and actual facts. And if you all want to write about this amazing tax cut for families and children that’s really transformative, that would be really helpful.”

But that’s not all. For example, Joe Neguse (D-CO) claimed that “Most of the coverage right now and the better part of the last few months has been on process…But that, in some respects obfuscates away from the substance of these incredibly important, consequential pieces of legislation that will have lasting impact on the American people and American families.”

They say that accurate reporting on these two bills hinders the Democrats’ ability to sell them to the people. Therefore, the media needs to follow the script they have written. And the media will do anything to keep their “friends” in power, and no one bats an eye over it, but if Republicans asked media outlets to stump for them, the headlines would never stop.

There is a silver lining, though, because you can call Republicans hate-mongers all you want but come election time, we the people still have one check on the woke media, our sacred right to vote.

Photo Cred: Allison Shelley/Getty Images