California Taking the Parental Role From Parents

Written by Amanda Angulo

The state of California used to be known as the Golden State. However, in recent years, especially throughout the pandemic, public leaders and government officials have made it their mission to completely smear the beautiful reputation that our great state once had. The current issue that this state is facing is the outrageous attempt of trying to strip parents of their parental role with their own children. 

Governor Gavin Newsom recently announced a vaccine mandate on October 1, that will make California the first state to require public and private school students of the age 12 and older to be fully vaccinated in order to be in-person. 

For the students who cannot get vaccinated for their own medical and religious reasons, and those who simply wish not to receive the doses, will be given the option to remain online or enroll into an independent studies program. Either way, in-person instruction is not an option for them. 

This mandate will go into full effect once the Food and Drug Administration approves the vaccines for children age 12 and older. It is likely that if the government is able to get away with this, they will try to pass mandates for children younger, and maybe even toddlers. Newsom claims that 63.5% students aged 12 to 17 haven received at least one dose. 

“It’s unconscionable that a society uses its children as shields for adults,” said Scott Atlas, an M.D at the Hoover Institution and former advisor to President Trump. “The children do not have significant risk from this illness.”

School attendance has already dropped drastically during the pandemic, and a mandate such as this will not help the numbers get back up. Additionally, this mandate is also required on teachers and staff of schools, so they may also be walking out. 

The government is forcing the hand of many parents here in California. Many will now have to prepare to pull their children out of school in order to be homeschooled. Even in private schools, where parents are the ones who are able to get a say on what happens to their children in school, will now have to decide to vaccinate their child, or pull them out of school.

Photo Cred: Associated Press