Coronado Mayor Richard Bailey Raises $406,000 In First Month of Congressional Campaign, Outraising Opponent 7:1 with Individual Contributions


The Richard Bailey for Congress committee released their end-of-quarter fundraising report showing the campaign raised over $406,000 since officially launching in late August 2021. The committee reported over $401,000 from individual contributions and $0 raised from corporate PAC money.

                                                                                     Richard Bailey                          Scott Peters 

Total raised between April 1 – Sept 30:             $406,128                                 $226,782 

Amount raised from individual donors:               $401,128                                  $57,114 

Amount raised from corporate PACs:                       $0                                       $168,540 


Mayor Richard Bailey said in a statement, “We believe our early success confirms voters want a fiscally responsible, socially respectful candidate to represent them and we’re proud to give people a choice between two extremes. Voters deserve a representative that is good on civil rights, religious liberties, and the environment, but is also good on public safety, protecting our nation, and accomplishing all of this in a fiscally responsible manner.”

Born and raised in San Diego, Richard was elected as Mayor of Coronado in 2016 and re-elected in 2020 with 99% of the vote.  During his time in office, Richard has emphasized a nonpartisan approach to governing that focuses on fulfilling government’s core responsibilities including maintaining sound infrastructure and protecting the public’s safety. Bailey helped Coronado remain one of the safest cities to call “home” by fully funding the local police department to protect the public with high enforcement standards.  He also approved investments in the city’s roads and public facilities to maintain a high standard of service for residents. Mayor Bailey voted to reduced taxes, approve five consecutive balanced budgets, and led by example by waiving his city pension and voting twice against his own pay raise.

A “Fiscally Responsible, Socially Respectful” platform gives voters a choice to elect a representative that believes people should keep more of what they earn and live the lifestyle they choose.

“We’re going to be the voice for everyone that supports a common sense, nonpartisan approach to government. I’m grateful for all the support so far and we’re just getting started.”

For all press inquiries, please contact:
Tyler Pugmire, Communications Director

Richard Bailey for Congress