Michigan School Plans to Ban Halloween and Valentine Celebrations, Christmas and Easter May Follow

Written by Nathaniel Manor

Wokeness continues its radical takeover as East Lansing Public School’s move to ban Halloween and Valentine’s Day celebrations because it hurts peoples’ feelings. Yep, teaching children to feel guilty about their race is okay, but dressing up with friends and handing out love cards is too far. The school made a lengthy statement about their decision, so let’s break down this jargon together, shall we?

“Each year, along with the fun of Halloween parties and parades, we also have students whose families do not celebrate or feel comfortable with their children participating in Halloween festivals.” So take them out of school that day, or better yet, if you’re so offended by seeing little kids play in their costumes, take your kids out of that school entirely. Also, because someone doesn’t observe a particular holiday, they don’t need special protection against other cultures. The Left is going against their message of inclusion by excluding the majority custom. Let’s continue.

“Valentine’s Day is another day in which school parties and the exchange of valentine cards leads to unintended consequences…(some families) do not feel comfortable with the idea of boys and girls exchanging valentines or participating in a celebration that focuses on ‘love.’” If you’re worried that some kids will get more Valentine’s day cards than others, here’s a simple strategy, tell students they either have to bring cards for everyone or no one. That’s what they did at my school, and I turned out alright.

“We’re striving hard at East Lansing Public Schools to be a district that is equitable and inclusive for all families… it’s not uncommon to see students crying on Halloween because they don’t have the same kind of costumes that other kids have or they didn’t bring the same amazing valentines that other kids do.” This equity narrative ties into the new message behind the radical Left because they want to create a society in which no one is different from anyone else to create a “truly equal” world. The problem is that disparities will always exist. Just as tall and short people, exist, there are also kids with better and worse Halloween costumes. Trying to punish those with better disguises for “equity” only hurts people and breeds resentment.

But wait, there’s more! Christmas and Easter are now on the chopping block. “I have mentioned to several staff members that I think our seasonal programs would be more welcoming if we didn’t include things like pictures with Santa or the Easter Bunny. Yes, Christmas and Easter have become mainstream commercial holidays but they are religious traditions and including them in city-sponsored programs makes those events unwelcoming to large segments of our population. We can host a beautiful winter themed festival without including religion.”

Republicans used to believe that the danger to America came from abroad, such as Russia and China. But former President Trump showed us that the real threat to America is already here and gaining steam. The Left is destroying the Judeo-Christian foundation that built this nation and wished to pervert our beliefs into a new form of “compassionate communism,” and if parents don’t stand up and take notice now, then all hope is lost.

Republicans used to believe that the danger to America came from abroad, such as Russia and China. But former President Trump showed us that the real threat to America is already here and gaining steam. The Left is destroying the Judeo-Christian foundation that built this nation and wish to pervert our beliefs into a new form of “compassionate communism,” and if parents don’t stand up and take notice now then all hope is lost

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