Buttigieg Shows Inexperience During Supply Chain Crisis

Written by Nathaniel Manor

Everyone needs the experience to get a job, but a job for experience. Every American politician knew this and used either a gubernatorial or senate seat to catapult them to the presidency (except former President Trump). Now the gold standard of politicians isn’t a resume but rather a marginalized identity for President Houseplant to prop up in his war of the woke. And right now, the lack of experience from Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has him in hot water.

In recent weeks ports along Southern California have seen growing numbers of ships stuck waiting to unload their cargo due to the COVID-19 lockdowns. When Bloomberg questioned Secretary Buttigieg about this, he offered an underwhelming response to the crisis. “These challenges are definitely going to continue in the months and years ahead. This is one more reason why we do need to deliver this infrastructure package, so that we can have a more resilient, flexible physical infrastructure to support our supply chain in this country.”

A few things. First of all, Buttigieg is part of the unelected bureaucracy that can implement policies and bypass Congress. So Buttigieg doesn’t have to rely on the infrastructure plan for him to effectuate change at the ports. Second, the real reason he’s neglecting his duties is to force Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) to kowtow to Biden in passing his massive infrastructure plans.

While the media keep roaring about the shipping bottlenecks, you’d be hard-pressed to find an article associating it with Buttigieg. That’s because they’re too busy running articles like, “Pete Buttigieg Calls Parenting Twins ‘Most Demanding Thing’: ‘Yet I Catch Myself Grinning Half the Time’” from People Magazine. Or “Pete Buttigieg Dishes on His Future As a Presidential Candidate” Business Insider Reports. Yes, because that’s what matters, not his failure to address the shipping bottlenecks.

During the 2020 Democratic primaries, Joe Biden ran an ad against Buttigieg, painting him as unqualified for the presidency. The message went as follows: “Under the threat of a nuclear Iran, Joe Biden helped negotiate the Iran deal,” the 2020 campaign ad said before going full-snark: “And under the threat of disappearing pets, Pete Buttigieg negotiated lighter licensing regulations on pet-chip scanners.” I never thought I would say this, but for once, Joe Biden was right. It’s just a shame that he ate his words, just like he eats chocolate chocolate chip ice cream.

Photo Cred: Chris Kleponis – Pool via CNP