Newsom Signs Two New Abortion Protection Bills

Written by: Sasha Reva 

Governor Newsom signed into law two new abortion protection bills. He claims that his rationale is to protect the privacy of abortion providers and patients. It all comes because of Texas’ new abortion law, which bans all abortions after six weeks of pregnancy and will allow private citizens to sue people who help a pregnant person violate the ban.

Both California and Texas carry the largest population. However, both are different with their policies. Democrat majority California is constantly implementing liberal policies, and Texas follows the conservative pathway.

The first new law, authored by Assemblywoman Rebecca Bauer-Kahann (D-Orinda), prohibits the recording or photographing of patients or providers within 100 feet of an abortion clinic. The second law, authored by Assemblyman David Chiu (D-San Francisco), requires insurance companies in California to keep health information confidential, including abortions.

Newsom recently said that “California has been a leader in protecting access to sexual and reproductive rights, but
as we’ve seen recently, with unprecedented attacks on these rights, we can and must do more… I’m proud today to sign these two bills that demonstrate our dedication to strengthening and further protecting access to reproductive health care services in California.”

Many people believe the most essential form of freedom is life itself. Abortion is an act that immediately disregards that belief, killing life as it is forming in the womb. Newsom, and those who wrote the bill have no sense in preserving the health and growth of a baby; they want to kill it off.


Photo from: Office of Gov. Gavin Newsom