Gov. Newsom Is Looking Into Vaccine Mandate For Kids

Written by: Natalia Perez

Student health has been a pressing issue since Sacramento Democrats issued mask mandates in schools. These mandates have become a widely debated topic, as many argue that it harms students’ mental health and hinders their classroom performance. Now the Sacramento Democrats are taking it one step further. They are seeking to implement vaccination requirements for young students. And when things go bad, neither government nor the drug companies will have any financial or health responsibilities.

Newsom recently said on CNN Newsroom: “we want to continue to be vigilant, we want to continue to lean in. We still have a lot of work to do. I worry about a winter surge. So yes, it’s now back on the table to get our kids vaccinated 12-17. We’re not seeing the numbers we’re seeing for other age cohorts. The decision will be made over the course of the next few days. We have a lot of partners with 1,050 school districts in the state of California, the largest school system in the United States. But it is true, our health director said today that this is on the table, it’s being debated, and over the next few days, we will come out with some recommendations.”

This is government overreach at its finest. Newsom is making a decision that should ultimately be the parents’ decision. He, nor any government official, should tell parents what to do with their child. Additionally, there has been little evidence that vaccines will even help children fight COVID. In the end, why should there be a mandate for an under-researched vaccine on America’s most vulnerable age demographic, the children? Newsom needs to wake up and realize that he may be a governor, but he isn’t a tyrant.


Photo from: Associated Press