Biden And Harris To Join Newsom’s Campaign As Many Americans Remain Stranded In Afghanistan

Written by: Sasha Reva

Gavin Newsom is getting fearful of the recall election. He is pulling every trick down his sleeve, recently pulling his most desperate attempt yet: begging President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to join him to rally his base. Newsom told reporters in San Francisco that he is “humbled by the fact the president will be out here soon.”

Newsom’s recall election is more important than safely evacuating the remaining Americans and allies stranded in Afghanistan. Biden last month spoke about Newsom as “a key partner in fighting the pandemic and delivering economic relief to working families.” A surprise to no one, Biden encourages voters to vote no in the recall.

This hail mary attempt by Newsom’s campaign may prove ineffective as Biden’s approval ratings have fallen in California, although, since CA is a deep blue state, he still has over 50%. The most recent poll shows that 58 percent of Californians approve of Biden; however, it was 70% in January.

California Republican Party Chair Jessica Millan Patterson recently remarked that “dozens of California schoolchildren remain stranded in Afghanistan, abandoned by this Administration… a joint campaign event to save Gavin Newsom’s job should not be President Biden’s or Newsom’s priority right now.” Hopefully, come September 14th, voters see the wolf in sheep’s clothing and recognize Newsom’s selfish intentions.


Photo from: Kent Nishimura / Los Angeles Times