SD Young Republicans And CA GOP Create Phone Bank Event To Rally Voters

Written by: Skyler Dale

On Wednesday, Sept. 7, the San Diego Republican party hosted a phone bank event brought together by San Diego Young Republicans and the CA GOP. The purpose of the phone bank was to rally voters ahead of the Sept. 14 recall election and encourage them to vote yes on their ballots.

The phone bank turned out to be a huge success. The event drew callers from around the county, all of whom were new volunteers eager to dial as many people as possible. Media outlets such as KUSI also covered the event, all of which contributed to the same dire message many Californians need to hear: vote yes on your ballot, recall Gavin Newsom.

                  Robert McCarty dialing phone numbers

As the election is only five days away, events like this have become very urgent. Newsom’s campaign is extremely well funded, and as a result, they have been effectively dialing and texting millions of numbers a week. Throughout the closing days of the recall, it is highly encouraged to help out as much as you can, whether it is knocking on doors, ballot harvesting, or phone banking. The more people that help spread the word, the greater probability of recalling Newsom.