Video Of Sacramento Teacher Praising Antifa And Creating “Revolutionaires”

Written by: William Hekman

On Wednesday, the Natomas Unified School District in Sacramento announced that a teacher was caught on camera praising Antifa. Additionally, he was using his classroom to create “revolutionaries.” Upon the discovery, the teacher is now set to lose his job. The district spent two days investigating the matters and the classroom environment. Natomas Unified Superintendent Chris Evans released a statement saying the teacher’s education strategy was “disturbing and undermines the public’s trust.”

The unidentified teacher from Inderkum High, who teaches AP government, was caught on camera with an unknown person having a conversation that lasted around twelve minutes. Project Veritas published the video, a well-known conservative group that consistently produces undercover videos exposing the left’s true intentions and strategies. On the other side of the camera, the unknown person portrayed themselves as a Florida parent moving their child to Inderkum High and wanted to make sure the school was progressive enough.

The teacher states in the video, “I have 180 days to turn them (students) into revolutionaries… Scare the s— out of them.” In a letter, Superintendent Evans wrote, “From the evidence gathered so far, the teacher violated the district’s political action guidelines which are aligned with Board Policy and California Education Code.” The teacher is reported to have violated guidelines such as conducting political campaigns during work hours, using staff time for political campaign activity, and distributing materials that advocate for a ballot measure.

The school board recently held a meeting to discuss the situation, and many parents attended to express their anger and displeasure. Many called for an outside investigation and drew comparisons to some school districts adopting new sexual education curriculums. One parent, Nicole Howard, said: “ He is not a teacher. He was trying to teach our students about his Communist beliefs”.

This situation shines a light on an issue that many conservatives have been concerned with. This video, along with many others that have surfaced, displays the indoctrination effort some teachers use to promote their estranged beliefs onto our youth.