Biden’s Ongoing Hypocrisy, 2 Former FDA Officials Say He Is Not “Following The Science”

Written by: Nathaniel Mannor

Science is a complex field of study. The scientific process has given us new insights into how the world works, such as the theory of evolution, unlocking the secrets of the body, and the atomic structures that make up our universe. Sometimes science leads us towards the light, such as the Polio vaccine. Other times it takes us down a dark path, as was the case with eugenics. But one thing is clear, science is an apolitical field of study and will always lead us towards the unbiased truth. I was kidding, of course.

Joe Biden released his plan along with a team of scientists to develop and encourage booster shots amid the waning pandemic. “This is the most exciting announcement I’ve gotten to make. This is a team that is going to help restore your faith in America’s place in the frontier of science and discovery.” When pressed with mask mandates, the President claimed that he would follow the science.”

“Science is discovery. It’s not fiction. It’s also about hope. The Federal Government must be guided by the best science and be protected by processes that ensure the integrity of Federal decision-making.” That’s why Joe Biden worked with the FDA to develop the new booster shots to help protect against Covid-19. Oh wait, he didn’t.

11 FDA officials expressed outrage over Biden’s decision to bypass their authority and trench out a third dose of the vaccine. Their issues arise from concerns such as the administration’s willingness to push booster shots onto kids 12 and under despite no longitudinal studies of the COVID vaccine’s effect. The other problem stems from Biden relying on his own White House appointees rather than the real experts who studied infectious diseases for years and are more equipped to deal with the pandemic.

It comes as no surprise that Democrats have a long history of ‘following the science’ only when it suits their political interests. For example, science tells us that human life begins at conception, yet Democrats praise the sacrament of abortion. Science tells us that gender is binary, but leftists affirm that “men can be women and women can be men.” It’s all about how you feel (reducing gender down to stereotypes while complaining that there’s no such thing as gender, interesting).

Americans have lost faith in the government, the media, the private sector, and science itself. We have to come together and de-politicize these institutions that are inherently bipartisan entities. But if the Left indeed ‘followed the science,’ their woke ideology would disappear overnight.