Newsom Tries To Trick His Constituents

Written by: Amanda Angulo

Newsom has never stopped his Draconian rule, even in the presence of a career-threatening recall against him. But many are unaware that Newsom, his administration, and Democratic minions attempted to force an extreme vaccine mandate in disguise.

A “gut-and-amend” maneuver for the A.B. 455 bill would have repurposed the legislation meant to alleviate Bay Area traffic and disguise it into a statewide COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Ultimately, the Democrats’ efforts were revealed, and the bill did not pass.

The California Globe published a draft of an amended version of the bill. In this draft, the toll provisions were replaced with language that would allow private employers to fire employees if they do not get the COVID-19 vaccine and even require proof of vaccination to enter businesses.

Hence the term: “gut-and-amend.” Once a bill has passed the early stages of approval, the legislators will gut its contents and amend it to become something entirely different to get it into California’s state Assembly faster.

Republican Assemblyman Kevin Kiley and running candidate for the gubernatorial recall, stated that “this chilling legislation would have created a ‘show me your papers’ society without any precedent in American history.” He also warned that while the bill is dead now, it could still resurface if Newsom overcomes this recall.

Democratic Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks, the bill’s sponsor, immediately dropped the effort on Tuesday once her leaked amendments to the bill caused a public backlash. “The bill’s demise is also a sign that we are about to fix our government,” Kiley mentioned. “Countless Californians came together, spoke out against it, and said enough is enough.”

Even though the Democrats’ attempt to trick the public ultimately failed, Californians should still be wary of efforts like this occurring in the future. Newsom’s effort to blindly fool California citizens to vote on a “gut and amend” bill speaks volumes about his character and governorship.

Photo from: Alfred/ZUMAPRESS/Newscom