Parents For Quality Education Calls For Fentanyl Drug Treatment In Schools

Written by: Andrew Morris

Following the overdose of two Chula Vista students—one of which died—has resulted in an outcry from the Parents for Quality Education organization (PQE).

According to PQE President, Mark Powell, Fentanyl is a highly lethal narcotic drug that can be injected, smoked, vaped, or snorted. Thus, it is readily available for teenagers, making it highly dangerous.

Powell suggests that Fentanyl can be combated using Naloxone. He states that the drug can reverse the effect of an opioid overdose immediately and should be readily available in schools.

The new lockdowns have resulted in a spike in overdose deaths that has hardly ever been seen before. According to the CDC, drug-related deaths among teens in 2020 reached a record high of 93,331. Up nearly 20,000 people from the previous year, with the highest growth percentage since 1999.

Powell and Parents for Quality Education wish to give parents the ability to use Naloxone to treat this massive number of overdoses in schools. This measure would ensure the safety of students and give their parents confidence that the school has the capability of saving their child if this unfortunate event would occur.


Image from: Adapt Pharma