A Solution Newsom Has Yet To Consider For Preventing Wildfires

Written by: Skyler Dale

As wildfires continue to decimate California, many residents have asked themselves: what can the state do to prevent future wildfire catastrophes? This question spans over decades, as wildfire concern is not a new problem for California residents. However, nothing has been done to lay to rest these concerns. Nonetheless, the solution might be more apparent than we all thought.

Many states have severe wildfire risks. However, no state experiences the destruction of fires as much as California does. Many western states are now examining other states like Florida and their strategies to prevent wildfire devastation.

Many eastern states use controlled burns to combat wildfire risks. Essentially, a controlled burn is used to clear dry brush, which severely limits the possibility of a wildfire sparking up; and limits the spread of a wildfire if one were to occur. In the 1990s, Florida experienced a wildfire that burned 500,000 acres. Afterward, prescribed burns ran throughout the state, and Florida has yet to experience a severe wildfire ever since.

Florida took the initiative and set up certification for burn managers. This certification requires candidates to receive special training on weather and landscape conditions for safe burning. This certification protects burners from liability lawsuits in the rare event a burn gets out of control unless it is proved that there was gross negligence on their part.

This year, Florida has done 1.6 million acres in controlled burns. In comparison, California, a much larger state, has only burned 35,000 acres. This effort is not nearly enough. Wildfire experts estimate that California needs tens of millions of acres addressed to reduce the risk of wildfires significantly.

Private landowners in California also have minor protection against prescribed burns should they desire to protect their property. If a controlled burn were to get out of hand, private landowners have no insurance. They would take full responsibility for this event. This risk is what detours them from protecting their property, and this is why wildfires spark.

California legislators are currently considering a bill that would protect burners from being charged for the firefighting resources that would be needed if a burn escapes. Controlled burns are an effective way of combating wildfire risk. Governor Newsom has yet to even consider this solution as he continues to neglect the wildfire concern.

Unlike everything Newsom contemplates, he must take this bill seriously to protect California residents from another disastrous wildfire catastrophe. New Mexico and Oregon have already implemented similar bills this past year, and it is unclear if this bill will get passed in California. Many Californians continue to lose confidence in Newsom every passing day as he has yet to address dire situations throughout California.


Image from: U.S. Forest Service