Newsom Continues To Raise Money As Recall Efforts Strengthen

Written by: Sasha Reva

California’s labor unions and National Democrats are pouring lots of cash into the fight to save Gov. Gavin Newsom from the recall election he faces next month. The report showed that DGA had given Newsom’s committee $5 million since the beginning of August and has received another $1 million this Tuesday.

Newsom’s spokesman said that they are putting effort into building one of the largest get-out-the-vote machines with all late spending. “From day one of this race, we have been focused on building a voter information and mobilization campaign that is unprecedented in California history, and we have built a broad coalition to help power those efforts,” the spokesman, Nathan Click, shared in an

Democratic strategists said Newsom’s team is acting confident only in private conversations. Democrats are spending $3 million on television and radio advertising. Republican campaigns are spending just more than $1.4 million over the same period, and about $880,000 comes from conservative Republican radio host Larry Elder.

Although Newsom has raised a considerable amount of money, his years of governorship have been contaminated with scandals, lies, and corruption. No amount of money can cover up his disastrous track record. Many Californians see past his fools gold campaign fundraising and yearn for better leadership to come after September 14th.


Photo from: Anne Wernikoff, CalMatters; Shae Hammond, CalMatters; iStock