23 San Diego Students Are Stranded In Afghanistan, Clock Is Ticking For Biden

Written by: Nathaniel Mannor

President Biden refuses to budge on his August 31st deadline to pull out of Afghanistan despite thousands of Americans still stranded there. Although American troops have already evacuated 30,000 people, many fear that not everyone will make it out in time. Because of this, Biden is urged to extend the deadline into September. Though the phrase “thousand of Americans” may feel like a statistic, these are real people with friends and family desperate for American aid.

For the San Diego community, 23 students (along with their families) from the Cajon Valley Union School District remain in the war-torn region. The students visited their extended families during the summer before the Taliban advanced on Kabul. The students worry about their safety as they cannot travel to the airport, much less procure a flight home.

The El Cajon community rallied behind their students and has reached out to elected officials in both parties to help bring them home. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) of the 50th district showed his support for his constituents when he tweeted out, “I’m working diligently to determine the best ways to help those trapped return home safely. I won’t stop until we have answers and action.” However, Sara Jacobs (D-CA) of the 53rd district had other priorities as she stated, “I continue to support and agree with President Biden’s decision to withdraw from Afghanistan. However, I remain incredibly concerned about the ongoing evacuation process in Kabul and the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Afghanistan.”

These two statements show that only one of our representatives cares about the lives of innocent Americans rather than sucking up to the Houseplant-in-Chief. The truth is, Democrats have politicized everything from vaccines to racism, and now they are politicizing the American people.

There is blood on Biden’s hands, and he has to step in and save our fellow San Diegans. Biden is allowing the Taliban to dictate the timeline for American citizens’ return home. As Secretary of State Antony Blinken acknowledged, Biden’s plan to pull out the remaining Americans in Afghanistan depends entirely on Taliban cooperation. On January 20th, Biden took an oath that swore he would protect Americans. He must stay true to that oath and ensure that the U.S. will not leave Afghanistan until every American stranded behind enemy lines is safely accounted for. Anything less is an abandonment of that oath and the American people.


Picture from: Google Maps