Intel Report Revealed Taliban Could Take Over In Months, Contradicting Biden Yet Again

Written by: Skyler Dale

Biden’s presidency thus far has been composed of lies and deceit. Time and time again, we have witnessed Biden contradict himself on virtually any issue he speaks on. The latest example is with the Taliban. In July, when asked whether a Taliban conquest is inevitable, Biden confidently said, “no, it is not.” Fast forward a month later, and there was a takeover, one that was exceptionally well calculated and exceptionally well organized. The deliberateness of the Taliban was so precise, how could the Biden administration overlook it before they decided to withdraw troops?

This question has perhaps been in the back of all of our minds, and finally, we have some answers. Initially, Biden did what he does best and played dumb. He constantly stated that he never envisioned a Taliban takeover to be a legitimate possibility. As we all knew, this was a bunch of nonsense. Now, we can be confident that this was indeed a whole bunch of nonsense.

Lloyd Austin, the Secretary of Defense, recently announced that intelligent assessments predicted that the Taliban could take over the country in a matter of months. It seems like our “Commander in Chief” may have overlooked this intelligent report. Although the report may not have indicated how swiftly the Taliban would operate, it gave insight into how much of a threat the Taliban posed. However, it should not take a report to display how much an enemy’s threat is when a nation has been fighting for twenty years against them.

In typical Joe Biden fashion, he has been deflecting responsibility. He is quick to blame former President Donald Trump for supposedly empowering the Taliban and leaving them “in the strongest position militarily since 2001.” Biden is also quick to cast blame on the Afghan army for “lacking the will to fight” for their future. The President seems to have some accountability issues. Maybe he should remember an old saying: Every time you point a finger in scorn—three remaining fingers are pointing right back at you.


Photo Credibility: Spectrum News Ny 1