Biden’s Approval Rating Drops Below 50%

Written by: Skyler Dale

NBC recently released a poll on Sunday, and several factors indicate that more people are becoming dissatisfied with Joe Biden. The factors that are most notably taking a toll on President Biden’s approval ratings include a rise in COVID cases due to the delta variant, heavy criticism over U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and an increase in inflation.

According to the NBC News poll, which was conducted August 14-17, displays that Biden currently stands at a 49% approval rating and a 48% disapproval rating. This reveals a 4 point drop-off compared to the prior NBC poll, where Biden had 53% approval and 39% disapproval. This most recent poll marks Biden’s first time his approval ratings have sunk below 50% in his brief presidency.

Biden’s approval rating on handling the Coronavirus pandemic stands at 53%, down 13 points from the previous poll where he had a 69% approval rating. As for the economy, Biden has a 47% approval rating and a 49% disapproval rating. This is also a drop-off from the spring poll where Biden had a 52% approval rating and a 43% disapproval rating.

It should come as no surprise that for the situation in Afghanistan, Biden only has 25% approval, while 60% disapprove. Another interesting statistic this poll uncovered is that Forty percent say Biden has accomplished either a great deal or a fair amount as president, while 58 percent disagree.

All this information taken into account illustrates that the American people are beginning to take a step off the Biden bandwagon. His approval ratings have dropped in every category, indicating that America is starting to see Biden’s true colors.


Photo Credibility: Jim Watson/Getty Images