Kamala Harris Refuses to Take Responsibility In Afghanistan, While Singapore Prime Minister Admits Withdrawal Went ‘Awry’

Written by: Nathaniel Mannor

In Singapore, Vice President Kamala Harris finally addressed the Afghanistan withdrawal when asked what she thought went wrong. But instead of answering the question head-on, she side-stepped, saying that an analysis of the Afghan pull-out should come later. “But right now, we are singularly focused on evacuating American citizens, Afghans who worked with us, and Afghans who are vulnerable, including women and children,” Harris stated. “We have a responsibility, and we feel a deep commitment to making sure that folks who helped us are safe.”

According to the latest NBC poll, her empty response comes as public opinion about the war plummets, with 60% of the American people disapproving of Biden’s handling. Even the mainstream media has turned against the President, from more moderate outlets like NBC to far-left ones like CNN. So Harris has to distract America by spinning the narrative from a disastrous geopolitical failure to a humanitarian mission. But winning back America’s support isn’t the only issue.

Lee Hsein Loong, the prime minister of Singapore, was asked about Joe Biden’s decision to pull the troops out of Afghanistan. He responded, “What will influence perceptions of U.S. resolve and commitment to the region will be what the U.S. does going forward…Countries make calculations and take positions, and they have to make recalculations and adjust their positions from time to time… Sometimes, it can be done smoothly; sometimes, there are hiccups. Sometimes things go awry and take time to get right.”

Biden’s decision shows that our allies can’t rely on us to back them up in times of crisis, such as Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Kuwait, Bahrain, and India, among others. While everyone is concerned about sacrificing American lives for other countries, no U.S. soldiers died in battle in over a year during the Afghanistan war. We must look out for our friends abroad. Otherwise, our enemies will either invade them or turn them against us.


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