Rand Paul Suspended On Youtube For Sharing COVID Information

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

Throughout the Covid crisis, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has been the most ardent and prolific critic of the pandemic’s handling. His disapproval of the so-called experts came in many forms, such as refusing pointless mask mandates to intense verbal smackdowns with Dr. Anthony Fauci. After each brawl against corrupt officials, more people see the reality that Paul is correct and that if you’re vaccinated, the pandemic is over. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop the totalitarian left from cutting the senator off from his audience.

On Monday, Youtube suspended Rand Paul’s account after posting a video explaining that most masks are ineffective against the coronavirus. Youtube responded, “This resulted in a first strike on the channel, which means it can’t upload content for a week, per our longstanding three strikes policy…”. Youtube suspended the GOP Senator because the video violated their policy regarding Covid misinformation. However, this contradicts the CDC’s claims that M-95 masks were the most effective and that other masks, such as bandanas, do not stop the spread. Paul-1, Youtube-0.

“I think this kind of censorship is very dangerous, incredibly anti-free speech, and truly anti-progress of science, which involves skepticism and argumentation to arrive at the truth,” Senator Paul commented. But he also pointed out that Youtube is a private company and has the right to ban him, even calling it a “badge of honor.” Paul-2, Youtube-0. But if Rand Paul was right about cloth masks, why did Youtube still ban him?

In the same statement above, Youtube said, “We apply our policies consistently across the platform, regardless of speaker or political views, and we make exceptions for videos that have additional context such as countervailing views from local health authorities.” Then why haven’t late-night “comedians” been banned for calling Trump a nazi without evidence? That seems like misinformation, but in reality, Youtube and other social media platforms are dead set on banning anyone who dissents from their empire of lies (i.e., Republicans). It’s hard to trust “the science” when one side of the aisle perverts it for political gain.