The McCloskey’s Have Officially Been Pardoned

The St. Louis couple who became famous for holding guns as BLM activists marched outside of their own property last year were pardoned by Missouri Gov. Mike Parson. Pardons were granted July 30. In total, Republican Governor Pardon granted 12 pardons and two commutations.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey aiming their firearms at protestors as they enter their neighborhood during a protest in June 2020. Patricia McCloskey is guilty of the harassment and was given a $2,000 fine. Mark McCloskey, is guilty of the misdemeanor fourth-degree assault for threatening the passersby with an AR-15 rifle and was fined $750. They have not lost their law licenses or their firearms. 

The McCloskeys became famous in conservative circles and got to speak at the 2020 RNC. Mark McCloskey just announced that he is running for a Missouri U.S. Senate seat, and said that his case was a trend where conservatives are being prosecuted for minor incidents when other criminals such as rioters are not.

Prosecutors said that the demonstrators acted peacefully. “If you’ve got an ‘R’ behind your name, you’re subject to one kind of justice system and if you have a ‘D,’ you’re subjected to another,” they said.