Issa Demands Answers on Secret San Diego Agreement to Provide Migrant In-Person Schooling

Today, Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-50) called on the San Diego County Office of Education and the San Diego Unified School District to do what they have so far refused: Provide overdue transparency regarding the secret arrangements to provide in-person instruction to migrant children temporarily housed at the San Diego Convention Center.

Issa stated: “San Diego parents and students deserve answers; they don’t deserve to feel betrayed. More than 100,000 area students have waited a year for the in-person teacher instruction being provided to migrants who have been in a federal holding facility less than a week.

“From local school officials to the White House podium, we are being intentionally mislead. San Diego school officials have an obligation to fully explain how this deal developed, how many instructors will be involved, what services will be provided, what compensation will be exchanged, and for how long. Most importantly, we need answers why in-person instruction during this break is only being offered to migrant students, not San Diego’s students.

“Make no mistake, we will get to the bottom of this.”

“For more than a year, parents and students in San Diego County have waited for educators to answer one question: When will our schools reopen with in-person instruction only? And for a year, they’ve been told to wait. The decision to provide in-person instruction to illegal migrants is outrageous and parents have every right to be angry.”