Cori Schumacher fined over $60,000 for false police report and restraining order against constituents

Written by Miguel Palacios

Back in mid-March, San Diego News Desk reported that Carlsbad City Councilmember Cori Schumacher (D), was in the hot seat for possibly falsifying official documents in a request for restraining orders against two political journalists who she claimed were harassing her. In her complaints, she stated that the alleged harassers were dogging her at public meetings and causing interruptions.

When the two bloggers became aware of the Council member’s complaints, they were forced to seek legal help, racking up tens of thousands in legal fees. Nevertheless, because of the legal help they received, one of the two bloggers responded to Schumacher’s complaints with a legal countersuit citing the unconstitutionality of her requests and requesting compensation for damages and court fees. The Anti-Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (Anti-SLAPP) motion ensures that the public will not be targeted or prevented from participating in public meetings and political issues.

As explained in the initial report, the first amendment right of the constitution gives each person the assurance that they can speak freely, observe whichever religion they choose, publish materials, congregate, and petition the government for the redress of grievances without fear of reprisal. Back when this was initially reported, the judge presiding over the case had found that Councilwoman Schumacher’s complaints were meritless and that by attempting to silence her political critics and prevent them from attending meetings that she would be present at, she was violating the Anti-SLAPP measure. The judge ruled in favor of the blogger, which left the City of Carlsbad on the hook for $42,000.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, Carlsbad City Councilmember Cori Schumacher is now being fined over $60,000 by a San Diego Superior Court Judge for filing the false police report and restraining order against her constituents. The people of Carlsbad have joined with Reform California to call for the Councilwoman’s recall. Schumacher is turning out to cost the city more than it bargained for and the citizens want nothing to do with her.

Not only did Schumacher violate the Anti-SLAPP motion, she has also sought stiff penalties against small businesses operating during the Covid quarantine lockdowns, and opposed the reopening of schools, against the wishes of her constituents. The people of Carlsbad have had enough and want her replaced with someone who is competent and is going to listen to them.