Housing migrant children at Convention Center to cost taxpayers $6,500 – $20,000 per child per month

Written by Elina Liner

The Biden Administration is not putting Americans first. Instead, their main focus is to help non-citizens using the tax dollars of hard-working American citizens.  We have recently found out that the Biden administration is planning to house thousands of migrants at the San Diego Convention Center, and the decision is going to cost the country a small fortune. 

President Biden is blaming the southern border crisis on the previous Administration. However former City Councilman Carl DeMaio, now Chairman of Reform California, does not agree with that and can see through the Administration’s lies. 

“You can ask the Mexican President who this week confirmed that Joe Biden’s own rhetoric caused this crisis. This is a Biden induced, Biden inflamed crisis… at the border,” said DeMaio.

“You are also being told this is a short-term thing. No [it won’t be],” he continued. DeMaio also said that taxpayer costs to house migrants at the convention center may rise as high as $20,000 per child per month. 

San Diego’s Convention Center homeless facility was shut down just days ago, requiring many homeless people to relocate, just to make space for immigrants to stay at the convention center. American citizens are being pushed to the streets because the Biden Administration believes pandering to illegal immigrants will please far-left progressives. The migrants will be provided with food, medical care, a place to sleep, showers, a recreation area, and in-person learning; a privilege many American’s do not even have right now.

Where is all this money coming from? Our tax money. 

You would at least expect our local leaders to stand up for San Diegan’s who shouldn’t have to foot the bill and be pushed aside for illegal immigrants. And while some Republicans, such as Darrell Issa have, Democrats have not.

Board of Supervisors Chair Nathan Fletcher and Mayor Todd Gloria have both spoken out in support of the migrant children and support the decision to use the convention center as a migrant facility.

Buses of migrants began to arrive in San Diego on Monday.

Carl DeMaio said, “they are here, more of them will start arriving in the coming days, and this now going to be the new reality of San Diegans.”


Photo via CBS 8