Governor Newsom’s approval rating tanks

Written by Urvi Sakurikar

Governor Gavin Newsom, who was once adored by voters, has now fallen out of favor according to recent polling results. In a study conducted by the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies, only 46% of registered voters reported a favorable opinion of his actions as governor, and 44% of participants had the opinion that Gov. Newsom’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan was “poor” or “very poor.”

In addition, 36% of people surveyed responded that they would vote in favor of recalling the governor if the opportunity arose. The UC Berkeley study is not the only evidence of Newsom’s declining reputation in California. According to a survey from the Public Policy Institute of California, the percentage of people who approve of Newsom has dipped from a high 63% in May to just 52%. 

In the past year, Governor Newsom’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has attracted heavy and valid criticism from Californians. From forcing students and parents to struggle with virtual learning while having his own children attend in-person school, to breaking his own rigid regulations and attending a dinner party at the French Laundry, Newsom’s hypocrisy and lack of competence in handling the pandemic has no doubt put a dent in his previously favorable public image. 

Additionally, Newsom’s failures during the pandemic have inspired people to take a better look at his performance overall. That revealed that he has failed the state in a multitude of ways, which you can read about here.

Dan Newman, a campaign spokesperson from Newsom, has maintained that “the Governor remains laser-focused on vaccinations, reopening, relief, and recovery.”

Despite Newman’s statement of support, the effort to recall Governor Newsom has accumulated 1.4 million signatures of the 1.5 million required to put the recall on the ballot. With less than 100k signatures to go and 33 days until the deadline, it is looking extremely likely that the recall will make it to the ballot.

To sign the petition to recall Newsom, visit Rescue California

Photo via the Associated Press