San Diego County ramping up COVID-19 restriction enforcement for Super Bowl weekend

Written by Michael Palomba

San Diego County Health officer Dr. Wilma Wooten announced that the county will increase enforcement of COVID-19 restrictions over Super Bowl weekend. She also praised Los Angeles County’s decision to ban restaurants from turning on TVs, saying it “makes perfect sense.” San Diego County, however, will not be going to that extent.

“We’re encouraging all individuals if they’re gonna watch the Superbowl do it in the safety of their homes, with household members only and no others, because that basically constitutes a large gathering.”

She continued, “So the situation that Los Angeles has implemented makes perfect sense. We have not issued such guidance but we will consider it.”

Nathan Fletcher also chimed in, asking people to watch from home “just this one year.”

“Just this year and this game watch it at home, watch it with the people you live with…”

That sounds eerily similar to when Newsom said ‘we just need 2 weeks to flatten the curve’ at the very start of the pandemic.

Regarding the increased enforcement, Fletcher said, ” I think there will be some efforts. You know, I’ll reach out to the mayor, we’ll talk to alcohol beverage control about some things they may do around that day.”

As part of the revised LA County Health Order that Wooten praised, previous restrictions on outdoor dining have been reinstated limiting restaurants to 50% of patio capacity, limiting tables to no more than 6 people, and requiring tables to be at least 8-feet apart. Servers will also be required to wear masks and face shields.

“We know that Super Bowl Sunday is coming up, and we can’t repeat the mistakes of the past,” LA County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said. “It will be tragic if the Super Bowl becomes a super-spreader of coronavirus.”